Monday, February 24, 2020 | 4 – 6 PM | Faculty Lounge, VC Office, Academic Block, LUMS

کُلّیاتِ فیض
Kulliyat-e Faiz: Reflections from the Present
S. Nomanul Haq & Aamir R. Mufti
The Kulliyāt-e-Faiz embodies a critical edition of the entire published poetic works of Faiz Ahmad Faiz. Complied, annotated, and edited by Syed Nomanul Haq, this 700-page volume forms the first definitive version of Faiz’s verse. It collates all extant editions, and minutely notes all textual variations in the critical apparatus. Fully annotated with a first-line index, as well as specifications of the place and date of poems wherever possible, this critical edition also standardizes the text. Each poem and every single line of its verses have been given a fixed numerical identification; citing Faiz has consequently been rendered globally uniform in scholarly writings. In many ways this book marks a unique event in the history of Urdu poetry since we do not yet have full-scale critical editions even of literary giants such as Mir Taqi Mir and Ghalib.
Introductions: Bilal Tanweer (5 mins)
S. Nomanul Haq (15-20 mins): Kulliyat-e Faiz project: the editorial process and the significance of the project.
Aamir Mufti (25-30 mins): Faiz in his time and ours. Issues in Faiz reception and scholarship.
Q & A with discussants Bilal Tanweer and Fatima Fayyaz (15-20 mins)
Audience engagement (10 mins)
Syed Nomanul Haq is the founder Dean of the School of Liberal Arts at the University of Management and Technology, Lahore and Visiting Distinguished Professor of Comparative Liberal Studies at Habib University. He also remained a senior faculty member at LUMS for several years. Dr. Nomanul Haq has written on diverse subjects, including Islamic intellectual history, Islamic mysticism, and Urdu poetry. His books include Names, Natures, and Things: The Alchemist Jābir ibn Hayyān and his Kitāb al-Ahjār (1994), God, Life, and the Cosmos: Theistic Perspectives (2004), Harris Khalique, Select Verses, with an Analytical Introduction and Annotations (2006), and A Critical Edition of Abdur Rahman Bijnauri’s Mahāsin-e Kalām-e Ghālib (2012). He is a consulting editor of Brill’s Journal of South Asian Intellectual History.
Aamir Mufti is Professor of Comparative Literature at UCLA. He is the author of two books, Enlightenment in the Colony: the Crisis of Postcolonial Culture (Princeton 2007) and Forget English! Orientalisms and World Literatures (Harvard, 2016) and a number of pioneering essays that rethink some fundamental concepts and categories of the Western humanities—the secular, the minor, the cosmopolitan, the exilic, migrant and refugee, the Anglophone, the world—from the perspective of colonized and postcolonial societies. His graduate work in Comparative Literature at Columbia University was supervised by Edward Said.
Fatima Fayyaz is Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, LUMS. She holds a Ph.D in Persian Literature from the University of Tehran. Her research interests include the poetry of Agha Hashar Kashmiri, Persian influences in Urdu literature, the Shahnameh, and Iranian Literary Culture.
Bilal Tanweer is Associate Professor of Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies at LUMS. His publications include the novel, The Scatter Here Is Too Great (HarperCollins) and translation, Love in Chakiwara and Other Misadventures by Muhammad Khalid Akhtar (PanMacmillan India).
Watch a recording of the event below or on the GCLL YouTube channel.