Friday, February 11, 2022 | 4:00 PM | KIC Room, Library Building, LUMS

Ahmed Bilal Awan Bazm-e-Adab—Traditional Pashto Poetry
Moderator: Imad Khan
Guest Speaker: Dr. Abaseen Yousafzai
In line with the Afghan Perspective, the Centre’s Bazm-e-Adab session invited Dr. Abaseen Yousafzai, Professor and Chairman of the Pashto Department at the historical Islamia College, Peshawar, to shed light on the life of poet, warrior and tribal chief of the Pashtuns, Khushal Khan Khattak. In his discussion, Dr. Yousafzai referred to the poet as the ‘Father of Pashto Literature’, adding that his poetry has been phenomenal, and has had a significant impact in the new trends of modern Pashto poetry. The session was moderator by Imad Khan.